Friday, November 16, 2012

Orange Friday

While many people (maybe me) are already getting excited for Black Friday and all of its Spend To Save possibilities, in Wisconsin, that excitement is surpassed by the preceding Friday -- that's Orange Friday for those unfamiliar with the annual gun-deer hunt!

And it's TODAY.

My hubby does not hunt. And I do not come from a family who hunted. But as someone traveling a hundred miles a day on a country road or two, I fully support their efforts!

Funny thing is, we see so many deer on our commute, I am always stumped when I hear how challenging hunting is. But now I get it. All week we've seen dozens of deer eating in the fields by the road on our way home. Tonight, not a single one. Zip. Zilch. Zero.

They are onto us.

I guess if they start seeing blaze orange in stores and hear about Hunter's Widow events, they know something is up. And they scatter.

I do hope that you hunters have a safe and successful 9 days. And please do your part to keep the roads clear!!

Deer don't pay attention to "Deer Crossing" signs anymore than we do. I tell you, though, when we were in New England, they take that very seriously. Among the "Moose Crossing" signs were a few strongly advising drivers to pay attention in order to save their lives.

I guess banging into this big fella would smart a bit!

This is our friend we saw along the Ausable River in upstate New York on the last full day of our trip.

As I mentioned in an earlier blog, we were continually warned to be on the lookout. And as the passenger, I kept my camera handy and kept looking!
On that particular day, we were taking pictures of the river and learned of a moose upriver. So we drove up and stopped with all the other motorists to take pictures. He seems far away. But he really wasn't once we moved up the road a bit.
See? He's just across the stream!!
...Eating his lunch!
When I zoomed in closer, I see he's got a battle wound... maybe from a hunter (they have a gun season like we do for deer), maybe from a car or maybe from Rocky or Bullwinkle.

Either way, if I saw something this big when I was out hunting, I'd probably just shoot it. With a camera, that is. And move on.

To see what's at the next crossing.

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