Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Strength Training

There are few songs out that proclaim the message that what doesn't kill us, only makes us stronger.

In my lonely commute to and from work today I heard two versions of this -- one by Kanye West, the other by Kelly Clarkson -- and I knew that even if God doesn't like rap music, He still was speaking to me.

It's funny how sometimes I am completely up for a challenge and other times, not so much. I think I've figured it out. If I choose the challenge, I am in. I am dedicated. I am out to prove I can tackle it. If I don't choose it -- say, maybe God just throws it in my lap or sideswipes me unexpectedly -- that's when I have a problem.

I recently chose two physical challenges. Not because I am particularly athletic, but because I need to prove to myself I am not too old, weak and/or completely out of shape to achieve them.

In December, the "challenge of the month" at the Iola fitness center was planking. I think I told you about that. I don't remember the results or where I ended up, but I wasn't strong enough to do well.

In January, the challenge was to hold two 3-pound dumbbells out like the picture and hold them in that "T" pose for as long as you could. Without dropping your arms. In fact, there was a bar there preventing you from doing that. You had to hold your arms out above it. And if you touched the bar, you were done.

You'd think 3-pound weights wouldn't be that heavy. But after a few minutes, they might as well be 30 pounds. In my first attempt, I surprised myself with a 3 minute, 40 second hold. That was the lead after awhile until some woman got over 4 minutes. 4 minutes, 20 seconds to be exact. I tried twice to get close to that time, but failed. In my final try on the last day of the competition, I just wanted to improve on my 3:40.

By the 3:40 mark my arms were shaking uncontrollably but I wanted to push further. It wasn't quite killing me or anything. I made it to 4 minutes and dropped my arms down though. Ouch. I ended up finishing second and won some free classes at the fitness center! Not bad for someone whose only arm exercises are typing on the computer and scooping up ice cream!

My other physical challenge will be the 5-mile Point Bock Run on March 2. I know that won't kill me either, but it may hurt me. Unless, of course, I get my act together and keep on my running schedule. Since they capped the run at 2,000 participants and some of my friends didn't get in, I better put my best foot forward... quickly followed by the second foot! Should be a great time, regardless of how I do.

And it will make me stronger.

I am hoping that holds true for a few other challenges that have been plunked down in my path. God really must have more faith in my strength than I do. He certainly likes to test me.

But I suppose after handling everything from slippery roads to slimy cat poop on the floor today, He may be onto something.

I'll let you know.

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