Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Another Blizzard?

OK, it's not a real blizzard -- as in hubby is in warm Texas and I home to run the snowblower again (well, maybe with the 4-6 inches forecast for Wednesday night). No, this is the good kind of Blizzard -- as in Dairy Queen is open again for the "season."

My season.

Now before you get on my case about breaking my New Year's resolutions, take a look at this logo. See, they are all running, just like me!

Is it wrong to run 3 miles over lunch so I can have a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Blizzard for supper? Not according to this logo. It wouldn't lie.

I can keep running on ice cream!

If you can believe, I actually forgot it was re-opening already. In Wisconsin Rapids we don't have a Chill & Grill. Just a "chill" I guess. So the owners close it from mid-November to early February. This year, really early February. I wouldn't have even known except I saw a picture of the neighbor's dog already getting her first DQ ice cream cone of the year.

I was cool-treat beat by a dog?? I must be losing my touch.

Either that or the subzero temperatures have frozen that little cone-shaped area of my brain that desires ice cream. How tragic.

Good thing I have been saved.

It just happened that I was thinking of DQ and they sent me an email today with a buy one-get one Blizzard deal. You know these coupons don't last forever. So when I picked up Carter from weightlifting after school, we made sure to swing by.

Is it wrong to have to wait for a parking spot while the owner shovels away slush and snow? Clearly we have somewhat of a character defect frozen in place.

I hope it melts by spring!

(Or maybe I don't.)

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