Friday, August 16, 2013

Reward System

Hubby found this for me the other day and for some reason thought it applied to me.

He was right.

Sort of. I would run 5 miles for ice cream. Not necessarily chasing down an ice cream truck. I run so I can HAVE ice cream. It's a wacky reward system, but it gives my guilty conscience a rest anyway. While ice cream does move me / motivate me, if I run more just to eat more, I am not moving forward.

 It's a tasty "maintenance" program, though.

Today I worked from home and had to walk over to pick up the CRV from the shop during lunch hour. It's a 4-plus mile hike but I did not opt to run it since I usually don't do a run the day before a race. So I walked for almost an hour and thought, "Hey, I deserve some ice cream when I get home."

Got home to a freezer with no ice cream. Jokes on me. I exercised and didn't intake the calories again.

Not right away anyway.

Since there was frozen yogurt, I made myself a protein smoothie. I mixed half a banana with a big spoonful of peanut butter, some fat-free chocolate milk and the low-fat frozen yogurt. Let the magic smoothie maker do its thing and it was darn tasty! Probably almost good for me, too.

Of course, now I am short on dairy intake so I may have to find something after our mud run tomorrow. Surely that deserves something!

And can guarantee I will not have any energy left to chase any ice cream trucks!

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