Thursday, August 15, 2013


Don't ask me how those aging rock stars can dance around the stage for hours in their black leather pants and still get out of bed in the morning. I had troubles today and I just watched them!

Whether it's solar panels or energy drinks or some substance I'd rather not know about, I have to admire their stamina. Of course, they must be in shape to fit into those leather pants and be able to move and eventually get out of them again.

Do I seem too focused on those leather pants? Maybe. But I'm pretty sure Styx guitarist Tommy Shaw has been wearing them since 1980 and, after everyone else I saw on and off stage last night, he's the only one who can pull off that look.

Nicely done, Mr. Shaw.

Now, what was I saying? Oh, energy. Lack of it. Today. Yes, it was tough getting out of bed.

I had emailed my boss and said I was coming in an hour late. Basically, that gave me 5 hours of sleep instead of 4. I think both hubby and I were dragging today. I was proud that I only drank half a pot of coffee and didn't consume as much as I felt I needed. I would be wired and sick by now!

I skipped any sort of workout at lunch and had the salad bar deal at work. Tonight I carbed up -- just an excuse for chicken Alfredo, really -- in advance of this weekend's running event. Now talk about stamina. I am a little concerned about this Dirty Girl mud run I've gotten myself into. I don't just have to run a 5K, I have to surmount 10-12 obstacles between the start and finish line as well. Haven't done much to prepare myself for that, but I'm guessing if the old guys from the '70s and '80s can bring it for 1-2 hours on stage, I of a much younger age (cough, cough, ahem) should be able to handle this "fun" run.

And I don't even have to wear leather pants!

Though, those might deflect mud better. Hmmm. Mr. Shaw! Hey, Mr. Shaw...

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