Monday, November 4, 2013

Burnin' Daylight

Don't ask me how I would know such a thing, but in the John Wayne movie The Cowboys, he always tried to get the young 'uns on the trail in the early morning and he'd grouchily say, "C'mon, we're burnin' daylight!"

That's how I feel with the Daylight Savings transition. Get out there early because we are burnin' daylight. It won't last long!

I was a bit screwed up this morning with the change, but I think it's worse in the spring. The rooster at the farm around the corner is way off schedule. He was crowing this morning an hour late at least. I never hear him after 6:30. Maybe he just had a long weekend and overslept (like we all want to do on Mondays).

It was nice to have it be light out for my morning commute, though. Especially when four big ol' turkeys decided to cross the road in front of my car, apparently preferring suicide over death by hatchet in a few weeks. Don't worry. They lived to gobble another day.

When I last saw them, that is.

On the way home, darkness starting to fall around 4:30 p.m., I saw no less than a dozen deer in a field by the road. Three had crossed in front of me -- but thankfully a good quarter of a mile ahead of me. This is that fun driving time of the year.

When it's dark by 5:30, I am thinking bedtime thoughts by 7 p.m.

Hey, we've already burned daylight, might as well save the "midnight oil" for another occasion!

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