Wednesday, November 20, 2013

State of Denial or Wisconsin?

Let's go back to Sesame Street a moment and exercise our skills of logic. One of these things is not like the other...

I think you are smart enough to figure it out! I can tell you right now the picture that doesn't belong is the only one I'd prefer to belong in my life right now! And that picture was just taken in Hawaii last week by my sister Rayna, who is back home -- in Texas -- where she doesn't have to see the other two pictures in person!


I guess this is what happens when you have eggnog for breakfast. Christmas comes early.

Well, I did seriously have eggnog with my cereal since we were out of milk. (Who knew Fiber One could taste so good?) And while I've had eggnog in stock for weeks, I am still in a state of denial that we are this close to winter. Even though reality is telling me that the temps will be in the single digits by Saturday and reality is showing me this white stuff, I just can't accept it!

That doesn't change anything, does it?

At least I can say I survived my first winter commute. No need to high five me. It was just starting to precipitate when I left work and nothing was clinging to the roads yet. But there's a rumor we'll get an inch of snow tonight so I may have to work from home tomorrow.

Joking, of course. I have more than 8 hours of Hallmark movies DVR'd and I'm pretty sure I don't have the fortitude to deny them. It's best I go to the office -- no matter how long it takes me to get there.

And I'm pretty sure the weather man will be wrong anyway. Hopefully for the next 120 days at least!

Deny, deny, deny!

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