Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Traditions

'Tis the night before Christmas and all through our house,
Our bellies are full -- I'm going to pop out of this blouse!

Okay, we are still full from our big meal but that is all part of our traditional Christmas Eve.

The morning went quickly. Carter got up early to go out to breakfast with a group of guys (mostly retired) who adopted him for the morning. He got to drive our neighbor's pickup truck (with plow) to and from the restaurant. So he felt pretty cool.

I made some food for dinner at the in-laws and then sent out a bunch of e-greetings to long distance family and friends I did not get a card to via snail mail.

It didn't take long and it was time for church. We opted to go to the first service -- at 1 p.m. -- since it fit our schedule best. We started the day at 18 below zero and yet another dusting of snow. Since Carter had already driven in it once this morning, I let him drive to church.

It should be a peaceful experience going to church, but not when the teenage driver has just learned how fun it is to spin tires in the snow and slide a bit around corners. Uff da. I was quite thankful once we got to church.

I won't complain too much. My driver knew to stop at McDonald's for an eggnog shake afterwards. And when we learned they ran out (how could they on Christmas Eve already?!?!), he drove us to Culver's and we got one there. He also stopped at the gas station and filled up the tank without any assistance from me this time. I just got to sit in the nice warm car.

With my ice cream.

Got home and loaded up the vehicle to head over to Jim's parents for the afternoon and evening. Ate a ton of food, as usual, and it was great, as usual. We had all 10 of us there -- our 5, his sister's 3 and Mom and Dad.

After supper, we played some cards, watched John Wayne on TV and exchanged gifts. Jim got a nice winter coat (he helped pick out) from the person who had his name. And I got a nice Assumption running jacket (I helped pick out) from the person who had me. The boys got some nice gifts, too. No one went home hungry or unhappy.

For some reason, we got to talking about recipes and my mother-in-law brought out an old book from either her mom or her mother-in-law's church. Either way, there were recipes from a lot of familiar names on both sides of Jim's family tree. We just could not stop laughing about this recipe:

Hilarious! And that is a family name. Though I hope a DISTANT relative. Ha!

Now we are home sweet home and Casey is staying overnight. Clay had an upset stomach so we will wait until he comes out in the morning to open presents here.

That's fine with me. If I am going to make Elephant Stew for breakfast, I need the extra time!

Hey, Christmas traditions have to start somewhere, right?

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