Saturday, February 1, 2014

Accent-uate the Positive

It's been a couple of months now since I started commuting to work with my new friend: the Audio Book on CD.

Listening to a good story really helps the drive go quickly -- and, surprisingly, it has been quite calming on some of the challenging winter-time drives. I've enjoyed a variety of stories, really liking most of them so far, and find the variety of voices intriguing.

Last week, the reader had to do several southern accents and just nailed them, giving me distinctly different voices for characters of all ages, both men and women. Made it seem like a movie instead of just a book.

This week, I listened to the book "Remember Me?" by British author Sophie Kinsella. Naturally, an "English" speaking woman read it and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The story itself was quite entertaining, as Kinsella's usually are, and I got such an exposure to British slang I now fancy myself saying something is brilliant or dodgy or bloody fantastic!

My new motto:

Smashing idea (or i-dee-er), don't you think, mates?

Don't worry. I won't overdo it. (I already have, haven't I?) I'll just sit here, sipping my nightly cup of tea (serious) and pretend these yummy peanut butter cookies I made today are "scones".

And when you tell me to "get stuffed," I will pretend it merely means, "have another."

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