Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Honestly, Abe, I Try...

Some words of wisdom from the birthday boy...

I like this quote (among many others from Honest Abe) because it is so simple. Straight to the point. Easy to follow.

Yet a person like me can complicate the hell out of it.

As he says: When I do good, I feel good. But when I do too much good, I feel bad.

Is there such a thing as "too much"? And how can it be bad?

Well, if I would sit on my hand once in awhile instead of constantly raising it to volunteer, I wouldn't be in the position where I feel bad (a.k.a. stressed) about it. But I can't stand the sound of silence (as the guys who live with me know) so when no one voices a willingness to step forward, I insert foot in mouth and step forward on the other.

So today's moment of stress is of my own making. And the calendar. It just happens that the few things (I really don't do THAT much, honestly) I do help with all fall in the same time period.

That would be NOW.

In the next month, I've got my Empty Bowls anti-hunger fundraiser, my completely organized ahead of time scrapbooking weekend, my completely finished work ahead of time so I can be out of the office a week "vacation" and I agreed to sell the neighbor girl's softball candy bars "because I am so good at it." Throw in a few must-do projects, and I have plenty of GOOD going on to keep me out of trouble.

If there was an Olympic event for multi-tasking, though, I'd be in the running for a medal. Tonight I was trying to look up some family tree information while watching both the Olympics and American Idol -- and selling candy bars. I found what I was looking for on the "tree," got the highlights of both shows and sold 7 bars already.

I better sign off.

I am pretty sure they are about to play the national anthem for me now.

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