Sunday, September 14, 2014

Time Saver

If I could save time in a bottle, I'd like to do it in some sort of chip form (like above) so I could take out some of my "saved" time to use any time I wanted to replace or add time.

Replace? Yes. Like those 3 hours I wasted watching the Vikings game today. That's 3 hours I'll never get back.

Until I invent this "time saver."

Figures one of the few times during the season we see the Norse Force on our TV in central Wisconsin, we want to change the channel. What a disappointing followup to last week's win. At least our quarterback can throw. Now he just needs to remember that it should be to the guys in PURPLE! Uff da.

Enough about that.

I did go for a run after that so all was not lost. My ambitious plan to clean and organize my office did not come to fruition, however. And my Saturday chores I meant to do on Sunday? Whoops. That somehow slipped my mind, too.

Where does the time go? Maybe I could start banking hours in my sleep. I'll gladly go to bed early if that works. Worth a shot. With all the things that went wrong today (in a certain football game anyway), we're due for something to work.

I will happily snuggle under my warm covers and give it a try.

And maybe even dream about what a touchdown looks like. Sigh...

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