Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Lost Holiday

In years past, I have been so good about observing St. Lucia Day. We'd awake on the morning of December 13 and each have a present from the Scandinavian Goddess of Light left during the night.

This year, there was darkness.

My fault entirely. Hubby asked me Monday night if I sent something to College Boy for St. Lucia Day. I gave some excuse about Carter being out of town today so he wouldn't be around to get it anyway. Well, it turns out the concert he was planning to go to has been postponed. So he was around. Now, I suppose to make up for it, I should get a decent Finals Survival package sent to him.

Oh, you know. That would just need to go out tomorrow. Finals start Monday.

Could someone tell me where 2017 went?

At least Mother Nature is paying attention, giving her gifts ahead of time even. Now that we are only a week away from the official start of winter, she dumped on us in central Wisconsin. Actually more in north-central Wisconsin. Like 8 inches of snow. We just got a few inches of slushy crap that made the commute home slow and slippery. Not fun.

I suppose that could be the reason for the St. Lucy no show.

That would get me off the hook. Right?

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