Thursday, December 21, 2017

Solstice, Sweet Solstice

Technically, I should be upset that it's officially winter AND I had a snowy, slipper commute home AND it's the shortest day (light-wise) of the year.

But, as the solstice gods and goddesses remind me, it is also Winter Solstice day, which means the days will start to get longer (light-wise)! As it mentions above, now is the time to honor the rebirth of the sun.

So, in other words, a national holiday for Mr. Deck Chair and me. Though we both celebrated separately in our warm homes for the winter.

I am grateful the weather forecasters were off in their prediction for major accumulation today. We still may have a few inches of snow, but I can manage that drive tomorrow, I would hope. I am also grateful that even on the darkest days, it hasn't been a terrible commute. Not that we don't have a lot, well ALL, of winter left!

For now, I will remember light in our darkness, hope of good things to come, and the promise of renewed life.

And shoveling in my future.

Happy Winter Solstice!

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