Thursday, February 15, 2018

All Together Now

Never take good fortune for granted. This morning I texted hubby that this was a great work trip. He was gone three days and we were Princess poop- and puke-free!

He got home from the airport mid-afternoon and texted me quite a graphic picture. (Ha, not what you're thinking.) And said I spoke to soon and jinxed it! Yup she made a little mess. Nothing like last week's 5-pile alarm.

So we'll keep her.

Meanwhile, we humans are both battling some nagging cough stuff. We always cycle through it, it seems. Hopefully this one is short-lived for both of us. There's just so much going around.

If we get cat-scratch fever, then we've got real problems.

Hope you are staying healthy or getting there soon!

(Commercial break over. Back to the Olympics.)

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