Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Fly, Robyn, Fly

Today was departure day. Had to put on my big girl pants because one can only rely on themselves when they travel alone.

My challenge was to wheel my suitcase two blocks from the hotel, go underground and ride the light rail train to the airport.

Me to the hotel doorman: "So they'll just have a place right there to buy a ticket?"

I'm sure he was thinking: "Yes, small town girl. A machine does it!"

I managed to buy a ticket and get on the right train thing instead of 6 buses that also board there. Then it was off to the airport.

So long, Seattle. I do hope to be back!

Flight uneventful despite sitting next to a couple with a 2-month-old! My sister Rayna and brother-in-law Paul picked me up. We went to eat and I'm nesting at their place tonight since Rayna and I will head north in the morning for our 20th annual sisters weekend.
One of the many reasons it's good to be back in America's Dairyland!

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