Monday, December 31, 2018

Twelve Months of 2018

I'm literally pooped out tonight as I had my first-ever colonoscopy this morning, so I won't make it to midnight. Like the cartoon says, I'm gonna call it a year.

But first a Twelve Months of 2018 song (well, list) akin to the Twelve Days of Christmas...

12 months of clicking (photos)

11 rounds of golf league

10 weeks with Carter (this summer, which breaks up the pattern of the song)

9 months of choir

8 months on council

7 sassy siblings

6 weeks in das boot

5 days in Seattle

4 friendly kayakers

3 movie dates

2 weeks in Sweden

and a New Year's Eve colon-ahhh-scop-peeee!

Side note: In a nutshell, the colonoscopy sucked. Apparently, my usual healthy low blood pressure really dipped during the procedure so they couldn't give me enough meds to knock me out. So 20 years later, my lamaze breathing came in handy getting through the, uh, great discomfort. Way to finish 2018 as a warrior, right! And not starting off a new year full of B.S. for a change! :)

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