Monday, January 13, 2020

Thy Turkeys’ Will Be Done

Even though I was out of town and physically unable to attend church yesterday, I was there in spirit. Or words anyway. Here's my Sunday column for the bulletin...

Thy Turkeys’ Will Be Done

With the sun shining and a fresh 8 inches of snow on the ground, I decided to venture out for a walk on New Year’s Day. When I got to the T in the road where I usually turn right, I glanced down the road to the left before crossing, and saw a brood of some 8 or 10 turkeys crossing the road and headed for the woods. Not one to lose out on a photo opportunity, I took a left and headed quickly down the road.

I heard them before I saw them. Just a gobble or two. I could see them in the woods but didn’t want to trudge through the snow bank and scare them off. Recalling that we’d had a few dozen of the birds in our front yard recently, I figured they surely must be headed there again. So, I headed back down the road and circled back home so I could beat them to our yard.

When I got there, not a peep. Not a single claw print in the snow. I was on a mission now, so I crossed our yard and went into the woods. Maybe I’d meet them head on.

Spoiler alert. I didn’t.

While I enjoyed seeing the pretty blanket of snow on the trees and ground (no tracks!), I was not on the same page as those smart birds with the pea-sized brains. Their will was not the same as this photographer’s.

Turkeys aren’t the only thing I do this with. Although I ask for God’s will to be done, I sometimes “think” I know what it is and head in that direction. Only to realize it was me and my will trying to redirect God’s.

If I was smart, I’d follow the tracks He’s laid out right in front of me. Granted, they might take me in circles, but I have to trust He’ll get me where I need to be, when I need to be there.

Lord, please help me (and anyone else who is a bit stubborn or impatient) to accept Your will. See it. Know it. Follow it. Amen.

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