Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Fluffy Tuesday

I don't want to offend Tuesday by calling it fat, but... if that shoe fits and the pants don't...

It was a definitely Fat Tuesday today. I'm not sure what compelled me, but I orchestrated a gathering of sugar and empty calories at the office today. Probably just an excuse to make a trifle!

My Fat Tuesday Trifle! It's like my normal Carousel Cookie trifle, only more fattening.

Behind the outside border of cookies is a layer of cake. This time, the bottom layer isn't just chunks of white cake, it's frosted cake! My teeth hurt just typing this. Then it's a layer of sugar-free (to balance it out) white chocolate pudding colored pink with food coloring. Then a layer of crushed Carousels. And repeat, then top with some whipped cream.

Oh it was good! And there were other yummy treats. I am so full that I don't need to eat for the next month. Probably can't stretch it to 40 days, but 30 days is reasonable. I'm only half joking. I basically went from one sugar high and subsequent crash to the next. It's the Fat Tuesday cycle that will lead to Regretful Wednesday.

I had to laugh at the irony of an email at 3:30 from our health program provider at work. The subject line said, "Robyn, eat your way to better health." I replied: "Sorry, I'll get back to you. Right now I'm eating my way to bigger pants."

SWEET dreams!

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