Friday, February 14, 2020

Very Cold Hands, Warm Heart

Thank goodness we had the warm fuzzies of Cupid Eve to carry us through Valentine's Day. It was 21 below zero on my morning commute. Thankfully, no wind so it felt warmer than that.


One of those days where it hurts to breathe. Still, I was all set to go to opening day of King Cone in Plover. However, since I had to got straight from work to chiropractor without passing go and without collecting 200 calories, I'll have to wait another day.

Still, I do have a little pint of peanut butter flavored Halo ice cream warming up a touch as I type. Since we already celebrated Valentine's Day, I have not guilt about snuggling up with my pint and watching some of those Hallmark movies that I must see before they're gone!

Since our night is free, I could do some work around the house or something. But it is a holiday, after all. I have a Hallmark card to prove it!

Hope you have someone or some thing to snuggle with tonight! Happy Valentine's Day!

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