Monday, November 23, 2020

Thankfulness to a T


Alphabetical gratitude month continues today with the letter which leads to Thanksgiving, which is what started this whole gratitude month to begin with! It's terrific!

A = Autumn, Austins, Assumption
B = Ballots, Books, Book Club, Bible
C = Casey, Clay, Carter, Church, Creativity, Camera
D = Dad, Daughters, Deck Chair, Dar, Design
E = Eggs, Election, Energy, Empty Nest
F = Family, Friends, Faith, Flu Shot, FastForward
G = Games, Golf, Guilty pleasures
H = Hugs, Hurricanes, Humor
= Ice cream, Impromptu Invitations
J = Jim, Jokes, Job, Java
K = Kindness, King Cone, Knock on Wood, Karma
L = Laughters, Love
M = Mom, Masters, Musicals
N = Nieces, Nephews, Neighbors, Norse Force
O = Outage
P = Pigging Out, Passport, Phone
Q = Quiet
R = R People
S = Scandi-hoovian-ism, Sisters, Sylvester

Thanksgiving: I love Christmas, but I really appreciate Thanksgiving and what it stands for, too. It's what this gratitude month is all about. Our acts of thanksgiving. Not lamenting what we don't have or can't do in 2020, but appreciating the blessings we do have and things we can still do – even in a pandemic. Thanksgiving is more than a holiday. It's a 365-day action of thankfulness. An attitude that goes a long way to positive, healthy thinking!

Tree: What tree? Oh, my family tree. I am grateful for my hubby for spurring my interest in family tree work. He started in high school and I started after Carter was born. So I missed out on a lot of time with living relatives who were the brain trust of our family history. My active interest and work on it goes in spurts. Usually more attention in winter months when there's not much else going on. Or in a pandemic year. My mysteries are many. And I continue to welcome clues. Jim could write a book on his but still, he was overjoyed tonight to learn two more names on his tree – grandparents that I think are 4 or 5 generations back. Totally awesome! I'm also thankful for technology, which has enabled me to search and find many answers and ancestors. Our history is at our finger tips. Just need to set aside time to tap into it.

Teachers: Just a shout out to teachers today, too. I can't imagine how you do what you in normal circumstances. Throw in social distancing, a virus, and virtual learning (and teaching), and it's crazy amazing. I know a lot of you are teaching to two audiences at once – half class in school and half class online – plus still trying to get to know your students, who've been hiding behind masks or a computer monitor. Bless you and all you do to keep our future on track.

Turkey: As excitement goes, I suppose turkeys are the lefse of meat. But I'm grateful to cook and deliver some turkey meals for isolated family on Thanksgiving. Plus thankful that tomorrow is my Friday so I have time to get things done. Thank you, Tuesday!

#gratitudemonth #gratitudealphabet

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