Wednesday, November 25, 2020

V-V-V-Very Nice

Alphabetical gratitude month continues today in the final stretch with the letter V, which could be very, very good!

A = Autumn, Austins, Assumption
B = Ballots, Books, Book Club, Bible
C = Casey, Clay, Carter, Church, Creativity, Camera
D = Dad, Daughters, Deck Chair, Dar, Design
E = Eggs, Election, Energy, Empty Nest
F = Family, Friends, Faith, Flu Shot, FastForward
G = Games, Golf, Guilty pleasures
H = Hugs, Hurricanes, Humor
= Ice cream, Impromptu Invitations
J = Jim, Jokes, Job, Java
K = Kindness, King Cone, Knock on Wood, Karma
L = Laughters, Love
M = Mom, Masters, Musicals
N = Nieces, Nephews, Neighbors, Norse Force
O = Outage
P = Pigging Out, Passport, Phone
Q = Quiet
R = R People
S = Scandi-hoovian-ism, Sisters, Sylvester
T = Thanksgiving, Tree, Teachers, Turkey
U = Unicorns, U.S. University

Video: Thanks to COVID, the winter sports season is going to look a bit different than usual. But not so different from football and volleyball. Limited spectators – like 4 tickets per athlete – and video viewing of the games via lifestream for the rest of us. I'm so grateful for that! Last night we got to watch our Assumption girls start their season up at Edgar. Since we got a few inches of snow during the day, I was fine with not driving anywhere. It's just not the same as cheering them on in person. But that's life in a coVid world. Very vexing at times!

Vacation: Since we did awaken to this scene, I'm so grateful I'm on vacation. Not that had a commute anyway, but still, I can only call it "pretty" when I have no place to go! And I didn't have time. It was not meant to be a relaxing vacay day. Not the day before Thanksgiving.

I do prefer this "snowman" to the ones outside. Yup, got 4 pumpkin pies baked today. Potatoes peeled. Bread cubed up for dressing. And house cleaning, too. Very productive! Can't wait to act as the Austin Meals on Wheels tomorrow! 

Veterinarian: I'm grateful the vet could put up with Princess Hiss-A-Lot today. She doesn't like strangers. Or being out of our home. But it's just once a year. The vet said she was healthy as a kitty though! She did have to get a rabies shot in her backside somewhere. I think she's still holding a grudge against her favorite human. I mean he grabs her while she's napping, shoves her in a box, makes her ride in a moving vehicle, then thrusts her into the arms of someone who just poked and prodded her and inflicted pain. Sylvester is literally napping on my office floor right now while I type and while her human is in bed. Total cold shoulder move. Hope she forgives him by morning! 

Hope you find a variety and vast amount of blessings on your Thanksgiving, too!

#gratitudemonth #gratitudealphabet

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