Thursday, December 24, 2020

Non-Traditional Christmas Traditions

Merry Christmas Eve from our COVID corner of the world to yours! The only normal thing about this holiday season is that we still sent out a Christmas card. But this time there really wasn't much to update anyone on. We're all kind of in the same boat.

But above you'll see Casey (age 29) and Emily (left picture) who are in Bellingham, Washington; Clay (age 28) and Becca who are in Wisconsin Rapids; and Carter (age 22) and Mamie, currently in Platteville. Not much more to say than that! 

So today was too chilly to do anything outside...

We only got a dusting of snow compared to my family elsewhere. But at midmorning it was 8 and felt like minus 10 degrees. Just now it's 5 degrees and feels like minus 12. No need to leave the house!

Our usual Christmas Eve tradition is spending the evening with hubby's parents and his sister and her family. This year, this was all we could do...

Sherry made the main meal and we dropped off some Apple-Snicker Salad – my mother-in-law loves it.

And they got to see Carter. Since it was still single-digit weather and we were social distancing in the garage, it was not a long visit. So strange!

Then it was home for some Christmas Chili. Not a traditional ham and cheesy potatoes this year. We asked Carter what he wanted and he picked chili and cheesy garlic bread. You know what? It was the perfect warm-up food for such a cold day!

We'll open presents in the morning, but I figured I better get a my scrapbook photo tonight. Sometimes kids are cranky in the morning. Even on Christmas. (Sometimes moms are, too!)

So we stayed in and played some cards after dinner. See how the three kings visited in this hand when kings were wild? That didn't help. Jim beat us in two games of 3 to 13. Still, it was just fun to sit around the same table with family. Even if it was just the three of us.

Casey and Emily's gift box arrived out west today. And we'll see Clay and Becca on Saturday when they're not working. I won't see my family at all but we may Zoom a virtual party.

Some of these new traditions don't need to stick. I'd rather give in-person holiday hugs. For now, we're feeling blessed we are all healthy and pretty happy. Can't beat that in 2020. Though Santa is welcome to try!

Have a merry merry Christmas! Hope you could feel the love of family or friends even if it was virtual. That's the best gift.

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