Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Six Silly Geese A-Laying

 When I went for a quick lunch-time walk today I noticed plenty of geese a-laying – in the snow. I yell, "Why are you still here? It's winter! Go south." Silly geese.

They waddle off and ignore me, of course. In recent weeks, there were still plenty of Canada geese hanging out at the lake on the edge of the ice and open water. Walking there this weekend, though, I noticed they finally high-tailed it out of there. Smart geese.

These six (or 15) neighbor geese must be the stragglers. The procrastinators. The wait 'til the last minute to book their flights type.

Or are they? Of course, I had to look it up. After my bonding with Harriet the Duck this fall, I don't want any feathered friends in danger.

These guys likely aren't. 

According to my sources, a lot of geese hang around all year. As long as they have a consistent food and water supply. Since some area lakes and rivers don't totally freeze over, I guess they have the water. And dead corn stalks are a great source of fiber. Aren't they?

And for some, Wisconsin does qualify as flying south from Canada for the winter. Like when my family goes 4 hours sour to visit me. Or when we go south to see Carter in Platteville. Then we have those people in Chicago basically calling anywhere in Wisconsin "Up North" when we all know you have to be at least north of Highway 8, right?

So if you're driving around our neighborhood and your bumper sticker says "Honk if you love winter," you might get a response. 

Spoiler alert: It ain't me.

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