Friday, April 16, 2021

TGIF (Twins Go-Ing Flying)

Just like every other business lucky enough to survive the pandemic, airlines are begging their customers to come back. At least now when there are low fares, there are actually places you can go!

So my twin and I made a decision on the fly (pun intended) and we're going to fly to Phoenix to visit our oldest sister and her husband for a long weekend next month. As Raylene pointed out, we're going Mother's Day weekend "because we deserve it!"

Well I'll second that! And to fly one of Sun Country's deals direct from Minneapolis to Phoenix, we can't pass it up. While Rayna and Paul have been playing host and tour guide to at least two of other sisters plus cousins, we twinsies are promising to be low maintenance. I mean we've both seen the Grand Canyon and the big ticket items. Just promise sunshine and point us to the pool!

Yup we're spoiled and we do deserve it!

I already got my Mother's Day treat from my baby today, anyway. Took a late lunch break and timed it just right for...

Opening Day at our King Cone! A little sunny out there, says the squinting duo!

As it turned out, the mechanic got done working on Carter's car around the same time. So it was thanks for lunch and ice cream and off he went. Still I'll take 24 hours with him for anything.

Just like my upcoming Thursday a.m. to Sunday p.m. mini-vacay to the desert. I'll take sunshine and sisters any day, too!


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