Saturday, June 26, 2021

Partly Cloudy with a Chance of Sleep

We should always listen to our bodies, experts say. So when I awakened at 8:30 a.m. and my body said, "Nope, not yet," I went back to bed until 11 a.m. and logged 12 hours in the sack. Apparently jet lag is a thing after all.

And constant rain all afternoon and evening didn't help either.

Good thing we didn't have much going on today. Also good thing we live in the middle of the state so when my twin was "in the area" watching her grandson compete in a trapshooting event, she and her hubby could stop by.

Perfect timing, of course, since our birthday is only two days away.

Since I have not had energy to grocery shop (or make a list), I quickly ran to Walmart to pick up a carrot cake. That's one of our mutual faves. And though I was picking out candles for our 35th birthday, apparently I put them on the cake backwards and we're 53. I hate when that happens.

Hopefully our wishes come true even if we are still 25, er 52, until Monday! 

It was nice to visit before they headed for home – I know that 4-hour drive well – and hubby and I headed to a graduation party. I think it's our last one of the "season." I guess that means our social calendar is opening back up.

Or in my case, my sleep calendar. Sweet dreams!

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