Wednesday, June 2, 2021

The Dragged Out Dozen

In case you were wondering what's occupying my time these days – I mean besides spring sports (basically wrapped up) and work – it's looking at pictures like the one above and obsessively counting down to my trip to Alaska.

12 days, 10 hours, 26 minutes and 43 seconds. In case you were wondering. 

So yep, seeing gorgeous "midnight sunsets" and mountains and lakes and getting excited. Oh Nell is just as excited. We just don't want to rush time now or the fates will be against us and rush our vacation. which by the way, is nicely organized and designed for our easy reference...

Because I have this compulsion for making more work for myself or something. But really, in case it is the last frontier, where cellular service is spotty (which we've heard), then we better go old school with a few things. Don't worry. We'll be armed with The Milepost – a must-have Alaskan map and guide book of sorts.

So that's it. Nothing new here. Just thinking and making lists and packing piles and patiently (not really) waiting for the next dozen days to drag by! 

Oooh. We're down to 12 days, 10 hours and 20 minutes now! Time's flying!

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