Monday, December 27, 2021

Setting a Pattern

You may be interested to know that I did nothing of interest today. That's kind of the point of a Christmas stay-cation, isn't it?

My morning routine – which I could set as a pattern this week – was coffee first. Sylvester thought she might like it. Dipped her head into my mug, then thought better of it. "How can sleep 22 hours a day if I have caffeine?" Good point, kitty.

One thing I did accomplish was clearing the driveway and deck of 3.5 inches of fresh, heavy snow. That was a mistake. I was gung-ho but my back is paying for it. Even though I had help from Mike across the street who just happened to be going by with his snowblower. Timing is everything!

Anyway, I've been stretching the rest of the day. Trying to only watch one Hallmark movie at a time to limit my recliner time. And hopefully the tweak will just go away. I have a previously scheduled chiropractor appointment on Wednesday so maybe my mind already knew I'd do something silly to my body this week.

Maybe tomorrow I'll stick to an indoor project like organizing my office or the basement or shake a dice for any room in the house. Plenty to do for the ambitious. 

Guess I better not share any more of my coffee! Sorry, kitty. 

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