Saturday, December 25, 2021

Merry Brown Christmas

While we had a gorgeous sunset tonight that was sort of a pinkish Christmas red, we could see more brown than Christmas green in our grass. And certainly very little in the makings of a white Christmas! 

Glad we had the pretty ending of the day because it reminded me to snap a photo of the current status of the yard at Christmas. You know. For the scrapbook.

Plus, we didn't do photos this morning. Jim and I opened our stockings and gifts PS (pre-shower) and that's not as cute when we're not little kids. Ha. Anyway, he's got some Cincinnati Reds and golf gear and we both share a couple's membership for next summer at our favorite local golf course. We must have been very good this year!!

For our Christmas morning breakfast, I cooked up some SPAM and eggs – thanks, Secret Santa – and they weren't bad. I'm not sure we'll make it a tradition, but we do have half the can to use up in the next week.

After lunch, we delivered a few gifts, including to son #2 and his girlfriend.

Clay and Becca have four maine coon cats that are huge. I could not lift one up! But they were friendly! Had a short but sweet visit.

They liked the blanket I made them (Just a hint of Vikings colors). And by the time we were home...

had already staked a claim to it! Praying all those crochet stitches hold!

The rest of the day was a relaxing, low-key holiday. Jim visiting an ailing aunt and then it was lots of recliner time for us both. I'm acclimating to Christmas vacation just fine. Thanks for asking.

Oh and since we didn't mail cards to everyone on the planet, here's our holiday greetings for you...

Merry Christmas to you and yours from me and mine! 

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