Friday, January 7, 2022

Can't Seem to Pardon the Interruption

When the temps rose just past the single digits today, it was a perfect excuse to stay in tonight. I mean we could have watched basketball in person, gone to dinner with the kids in person, or they could have gone out on the town in person.

But nope. We stayed in our bunker on Blue Jay Drive. In person.

And watched guys in Hawaii just to stay out of the bunkers on the golf course. 

For the record, we also watched the Assumption basketball game on TV since it was live streaming. And we had a nice dinner together. High recommended the fish fry from The Chatrbox. The 4 of us gave it 8 thumbs up!

So why we are we interested in prime time golf? A couple reasons beside staying in from the cold.

First this tournament is sponsored by my employer. And secondly, I wrote the script for this video that was televised right before the Golf Channel's interview with our CEO. So I was jazzed about that. I had Carter watch it just so he knows his mom is famous. Behind the scenes famous. But still famous. Ha.

And the third reason was that we needed the distraction. This has been the world's longest week – and I'm not quite ready to pardon the interruption of our lives. Interruption and disruption.

The Hedberg Hotline to Heaven (that what we're calling our family's prayer efforts this week) was busy again today as the two people we love and were praying hard for on Monday needed our attention. One was readmitted to the hospital and the other is undergoing another surgery (not 16 hours this time). So we're praying hard again that God helps the doctors use their skills to the best of their abilities to help these guys with their serious conditions.
I feel like the joy of Christmas was months ago already. We'll find joy again. And peace to go along with our hope.

And we'll guiltlessly use golf, basketball, or deep-fried food as a distraction.

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