Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Bean Town Bound

As I mentioned yesterday, I got up before the crack of dawn today. Left the house at 4:30 a.m. for my 6:20 a.m. flight from Central Wisconsin Airport to Boston. 

I packed everything for my 4-day trip in one backpack. Feel free to be impressed!

Had a layover in Chicago as the sun was rising to burn off the fog. Then had uneventful flight to the very rainy Bean Town. 

I shouldn't say uneventful.  The guy next to me and I talked most of the way. He's from Australia and it turned out he and his mates in the seats ahead of us were heading to the same marketing conference as me!

Got to see kangaroo pictures and learned they're like deer here. In your yards and on the road and a sure way to wreck a vehicle. 

First thing I see getting off the plane is the Boston Celtics mascot. Some kind stranger took my pic so I could send it to my Celtics fans back home. Jim and Carter.

My coworker Scott and I got a ride over to the convention center, picked up our badges for the conference, then opened our laptops and got some work done since hotel check-in wasn't until 4. We were kind of on the wrong time zone at one point since our laptops were Wisconsin time and our phones were East Coast. We've got it figured out now!

Our historic hotel is downtown so it was 1.2 mile hike from the convention center. We decided to hoof it and hoped the rain would stop. It didn't. But I was armed. 

Instead of buying my usual "I'm cold" hoodie, I got an "it's raining" hat! It helped a little. 

The rain stopped around 530 p.m. so Scott and I were able to walk around a bit after a fresh fish dinner! Yum!

A few random sights in the misty rain... 

The next three days will be pretty full for work, but we hopefully can see a few more sights. Not supposed to rain anymore so some sun on the water (or on our commute) would be nice!

I know it's only 8 p.m. Central Time, but I feel like today was three days long. May just go to bed on East Coast time and make up for that 3:45 a.m. alarm today!

Sweet dreams from the Atlantic!

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