Friday, September 23, 2022

Oh It's Over, Pumpkin

This cracked me right up! And I needed it. With the first official day of autumn yesterday, my rise-and-shine temperature was....

Feels like 39! OMG! Then today...

Oh goody. Same morning temperature (even colder earlier) but at least it only felt like 42 instead of 39. So we've got that going for us, pumpkins!

Yesterday afternoon and early evening, I was outside anyway. The cool 61 degrees felt just fine when I was running around the golf course trying to snap photos during Assumption's home cross country meet. 

It was a challenging mix of sun and shadows. Either the kids were squinting into the sun as they ran, or my camera was struggling to capture their faces when I was facing the sun. Yuck. On the plus side, our girls high school team won and so did our boys middle school team. I'm going to have to get to another meet this fall so I feel better about myself. Ha.

For today's fun... After work tonight my friend Cindy and I went to the library to hear an author speak as part of this weekend's Central Wisconsin Book Festival. I know. Wild times on a Friday night, right? 

Tonight we got to hear from and meet Annalise Ryan, who wrote the Mattie Winston Mystery series and just released the first in a series called A Death in Door County. The next one in the series will take place in Bayfield! So that's interesting. She signed our books for us, too.

It was interesting to hear her journey from a similar childhood to mine to getting published, etc. I'm not sure if it inspired me or gave me a reality check that it probably won't happen for me. Or just a reality check that I'm not getting any younger if I actually want to have people read something when I string more than 300 words together!

Anyway, check out the libraries in Wausau, Stevens Point, and Wisconsin Rapids this weekend. 

Autumn is the perfect time for pumpkin spice AND snuggling up with a good book. Especially one autographed by the author!

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