Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Just Call Us Angells

One of the perks of living in the middle of the state is that it's often the location for statewide conferences and meetings. Occasionally, I luck out and long-distance friends are suddenly in my neck of the woods. Today was one of those days.

My friend Sarge from college was in Stevens Point for a work conference. Love that she was wearing a UW-La Crosse shirt when I picked her up after work and we went to my stomping grounds (SentryWorld) to catch up for a bit.

We haven't changed a bit since we were RAs (resident assistants) together at Angell Hall at UW-L, have we? 

Obviously, it was in the '80s. The 1988-1989 school year to be exact. The amazing thing about that is not that we're OLD. We know! But that we've been friends and somehow stayed in touch for 35 years. Uhm, yes, that is older than most of my current co-workers. Ha.

It really was so awesome to catch up like no time was lost and hug out any stressors in our life. Love my Angell Squad!

I've said it before... Always make the time to see old friends when you can. If you can still laugh about things you did or said 3 decades ago, it's so worth it!

Ooohm-Cha-Gow-Ah! Angells got the powah!

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