Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Light at the End (or Middle) of the Clouds

I miss Tennessee. Yes, we had a few long days of work, but we managed to balance that with fun. And none of it was in the office. Now it's back at the office this week and the reality of "much to do with little time" hits. 

A bit stressful today to be sure. But I promised myself that on this last day of May, with no plans for the evening, I'd plop myself down on Mr. Deck Chair and relax a bit while hubby was gone at golf league. 

Allegedly it was mostly sunny and 91 degrees today. Maybe even close to a record. But I sat down and not 5 minutes later it was raining on me and Mr. DC. Granted, just a few giant drops...

But rain, nonetheless. I actually just sat there in it and let it cool me off (from hot stress moments at work today) and let it pass. When I looked up at the hole in the clouds (pictured up top), I figured the Lord would grant me at least a little piece (read: PEACE) of sunshine after all.

But the real light at the end of the tunnel, er day, was this post on Facebook from a friend...

Talk about making me cry! Awwww. But at the same time, realizing that I love what I do in my FREE time and love that it brings happiness to a few others. 

So there is a light at the end of the tunnel, er partly cloudy sky, after all. Hey, it's already Hump Day. We got this, people! 

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