Thursday, October 19, 2023

Kicking Axe

It's been a busy work week with a lot of special meetings since our whole writing team was in one place. One of the guys lives in Indianapolis so when he's in town at least once a quarter, we try a little team bonding – and important meetings on important topics, of course.

This time we decided to the new popular sport of axe-throwing. It's so popular everywhere and there are even leagues. Our team had done this once before but I was out of town at a conference so I missed it. And I missed it tonight, too. The target that is.

After work, the 10 of us went to District 715 Throwing Co. (Side note: Our area code is 715 so that get's used a lot around here for some reason.) Anyway, it was a pretty cool set up with several lanes, for lack of a better word, with targets and much needed fencing in between the lanes.

Before I threw the first axe, I took this selfie thinking I was going to be kicking axe. Instead, I got my axe kicked! There is axe-ual evidence to prove this point. 

I've never done this before and just couldn't find my groove – or the target. I think I had a dozen throws actually stick to the target circle. That's in two hours of throwing. Uff da. The competitive side of me hated that. I want to say I had too much advice and it was all different. In reality, I'm sure it was just ME.

Still it was so fun to hang out with our amazing team outside of the office. Always a blast no matter what we're doing!

At least I could hoist one victory belt this week. I was named our team MVP for the quarter. Is there a league for writers that doesn't involve sharp instruments? Maybe I could axe to join that!

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