Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Don't Stop Believin'

Not all good streaks are good ones. But most are meant to be broken. I was devastated the other day when I broke my 136-day Wordle-solving streak. Dang. But today the streak on my mind – and every lifelong Twins fan's mind – was the fact that we made it to the playoffs but hadn't won a post-season game since 2004. 

Do the math. 19 years!! Uff da. The mantra has been "We Believe" we can break that streak. Would faith be enough?!

Thankfully, even though I had work meetings all day in Stevens Point, we got done in time for me to catch the 3:30 p.m. game. I had to laugh because one of my sports apps on my phone notified me of Royce's homerun before the pitch was even thrown on TV!  I had extra minutes of excitement there.

But thanks to phone apps, I could keep track of the final nail-biting (well, c'mon, it was a stressful streak) innings while I shot pictures of middle school football then volleyball. This is my "I've been busy and now have to catch up on fall sports pictures" week.

Still... fall ball is my favorite. C'mon, Twins, let's keep this going!

Oh, and since we were in the mood to make or break history today, we had a record high! Even if I want to "believe" that will continue, I know by Saturday's football game the high will be 50. Uff da again!

Be careful out there. And GO TWINS!!!!

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