Friday, November 29, 2024

Good Black Friday

Today turned into more of a Good Friday than the traditional Black Friday. That's because it was a rare but treasured day with my grown son. 💜

Since Jim had to work the Cranberry Classic basketball tournament all day, we were on our own. I did take pictures of the Assumption JV girls game in the early morning while Carter was still asleep. But once he was awake, I headed home. 

Our first stop for today's adventure was the Fez-tival of Trees hosted by the Masons. You can buy raffle tickets to win trees (and every amazing item on them and beneath them) plus some wreaths too. 

And as a bonus we could see Santa! Apparently he really does know me because he said he's heard I don't keep my room very clean. And knowing my office (aka my Oh my God room), he's right about that.

Then when Carter asked him for a Vikings' Superbowl victory, he literally "Ho-ho-ho"-ed. 

Naturally I was grateful one of the volunteers suggested taking a picture of both of us with Santa. That was priceless for me. 

We were also entertained by our friend Craig on the keyboards. Aways a treat!

So get there if you can in the next week or so. It's just south of the Firefighters' Memorial Park and boat landing. Bring a non-perishable food item, too!

From there, we did some shopping in Rapids and the Plover-Stevens Point area, wrapping up with a visit to Feltz Dairy Farm for some goodies – including King Cone ice cream!

Got home and watched a little Black Friday Football before meeting Jim in town for supper at Ida's. He had to get back to the tournament so we headed home and watched some TV together before our yawning took over! 

Still smiling, of course, because I can't treasure days like these enough!

Hope you found plenty of reasons to smile and feel grateful today, too.

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