Sunday, December 1, 2024

Shooting Hoops and Stuff

After our boy hit the road Saturday morning to head back to Iowa, the rest of the weekend flew by.

Jim and I both pretty much spent the day at Assumption High School for the Cranberry Classic basketball tournament yesterday. He was doing official committee-type duties and I was shooting pictures of our 3 Royals teams I didn't get to on Friday. 

Our Lady Royals won the girls tournament and our boys went 0-2 with some close, hard-fought games. Should be a fun season watching them all!

The "and stuff" part of the weekend was me waking up stuffed up with a scratchy throat this morning. Took me some time (and hot tea) to get my voice up to normal. So unfortunately I had to miss church choir. And BINGO.

And then I almost lost my voice again yelling at the Vikings! I had hoped to stuff Christmas cards into envelopes and put on stamps and labels while watching the game. But I couldn't relax enough to multi-task!

Thank SKOL-ness we had one final reason to raise our voices in the end when we came back to beat Arizona 23-22. Uff da.

I did start working on the card project after that. But when the first mailing label on the list is my mom's, my heart was not in it. Gonna need a minute. That's the worst part about updating labels – having to remove people who physically left our lives over the past year, but are still with us in spirit. 

I suppose, since it's only December 1st, I could put that off for a few days and, for fun, log onto my work computer to see how many hundreds of emails showed up during my vacation! I don't think I want that to be part of my "and stuff" for the weekend.

I do have to remember how to set my alarm again. Totally worth it.

Have a wonder-SKOL week, everyone!

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