Thursday, November 26, 2009

Cheers to the Cornucopia

You don't see that word Cornucopia much besides around Thanksgiving. It's sometimes referred to as the Horn of Plenty. And basically is just a symbol of abundance. Maybe initially abundance of food, but I like to think of it as an abundance of blessings we should be grateful for every day -- not just when there's a turkey on the table.

Not that there wasn't an abundance of food today...

There are a few days a year this blog should be called "On the Not-So-Light Side" -- definitely Thanksgiving and Christmas (times 2 for both family gatherings).

I am still so full from dinner at the in-laws and we ate hours ago. There was a point during the meal that I felt full already -- but I decided to power through it and clean my plate. If you'd ever tasted my mother-in-law's dressing, you'd know why. It's the best on the planet! I have never even asked how to make it. I'm pretty it would never turn out as good as hers. And her pumpkin pie is pretty darn tasty, too. Uff-da. Too much.

I even took a pre-emptive run today to ease the guilt and burn off calories ahead of time. Apparently, I felt no guilt. But I bet I wake up at 3 a.m. with a tummy ache. My fault, totally.

The good news is that I am not setting an alarm in the morning. Oh I'll venture out when I'm good and ready (sometime before 11 a.m.) but if they are out of the few items that caught my eye, I don't really care. I can live with it. It's just extra stuff anyway. You know me -- I can never be totally done buying for certain people in my house when bargains come along!

Well my fat fingers have burned enough calories to cover that glass of milk with dinner. I think I better give up and hit the sack. I have many things to thank God for tonight so that could take awhile.

Hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving, too!

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