Monday, November 8, 2010

Professional Day

Today was considered a "Professional Day" in the Rapids school districts so Carter got to sleep in and stay home all day. And here I thought hubby and I were professionals! We don't get days like that.

Neither one of us could stay home today so Carter was on his own. I am getting more used to that now but it doesn't stop me from worrying. Well, I don't quite get to the worry stage before he calls to check in anyway. Yes, it should be the other way around, but he always calls before it's time for me to make the call. I'm guessing it's because he's bored -- not that he misses me.

Today, while hubby and I had productive days at work, Carter did some reading for school, watched a movie, ran the dish washer and put the dishes away, and washed his sheets and made his bed with the clean, fresh ones! Wow. That's a lot.

I asked him if he did all that because he was just being responsible or did he expect some sort of reward for that.

"I was just being responsible," he said. "But if you're giving a reward, let's start the ceremony right now!"

Yeah, I think he was expecting more than a pat on the back.

I'll think about that the next time we're slaving away at work and he's a "professional" late sleeper!


Anonymous said...

Way to go Carter!! You deserve a pat on the back from Aunt Romey and can you come up here and teach your ol Cousin Eric how to wash clothes!! Congrats Robyn & Jim, you have taught him well, he is a great kid growing so fast into a nice young man. Luv ya all - Romey

Robyn Austin said...

I told Carter that and he said, "Romey was getting on his case last summer about that!" So apparently you taught Carter well, anyway. Thanks!