Friday, November 4, 2011

Perfect Game

When we knew we were going to be home tonight, Carter wanted to rent a movie. So while he was at basketball practice from 7-8:30, I got two important errands out of the way. I had to stop at the scrapbook store to find the perfect color of purple paper to go with some upcoming Vikings pages and had to rent a movie.

Normally we go for the new releases of either silly kid movies or super hero types. But tonight I didn't see anything that tripped my trigger so I picked out some unknown movie called The Perfect Game -- which turned out to be a very heartwarming true baseball story about a team from Monterrey, Mexico, that won the 1957 World Series with a perfect last game.

There was good humor and good story lines and some interesting coincidences from my few times in Mexico and Texas. In the movie, the boys crossed the border for their first game in America and had to walk 10 miles to McAllen, Texas. How weird that that is where my sister and brother-in-law live! Though I am sure it's changed since then.

For not ever hearing of this movie, it turned out to be perfect (pun intended) for our little baseball player who is always looking for inspiration. In any sport.

I think for basketball, for instance, he no longer is going to count on his Mohawk for good luck. He wants me to shave it down this weekend. Then he'll just rely on his skill to play well.

And those expensive new shoes we had to buy.

We'll see how perfect any games turn out this season!

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