Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Hooping it Up

Finally, what all the fans have been waiting for... basketball pictures!

Yes, I finally remembered to bring my camera. And no, it still doesn't take great pictures in the gymnasium lighting. I found if I put it on the "sports continuous motion" setting, it does OK -- but still grainy. Bear with me. I'm sure you can still tell #13 is Carter, right?
Waiting for the free-throw shot to hit the rim so he can go for a rebound while "boxing out" his opponent.

Breaking away during an in-bound play.

Taking a shot. You can tell by the arc, it's not going to swish in. And it didn't.

He did follow through to rebound his own shot. How's that for camera work?

This one's just as grainy but he was excited I caught him in action -- in the air even. After I saw that on my camera, I said to the mom next to me, "My work is done for the night."

Just for the night, though. I'm sure with 3 more weekend tournaments coming up, I'll have ample opportunity to try and top this!

I can't wait to try.

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