Thursday, January 12, 2012

Study Buddy

I don't know what possessed me to volunteer to help Carter study for a social studies test, but it's too late to back out now. I am immersed in pilgrims, Puritans, Quakers and witches on my way to learning everything there is to know about the original 13 colonies. In one night.

Carter has been doing worksheets and various assignments all week on this topic but didn't really start studying it until tonight. Probably a good thing we had a minor snow storm today and basketball practice was canceled for tonight. He needs every minute he can get.

And I really don't know what help I am. I forgot all about what John Rolfe and John Smith and 6 other Johns did back then! But, as always, Daddy and I say we are willing to help quiz him so he can study for a test. Any test.

Of course I am a closet geek. Well, not really closeted. I admit I loved school and I was a book worm and didn't settle for anything less than straight A's. What I have to remember is that my teenage boy is not wired the same way. But the kid has potential.

So even though he "hates" social studies (I wasn't a huge fan either), I am sacrificing my 7 o'clock bedtime and serving as his study buddy. (Thankfully I feel well enough to stay up this late. Ha.)

I just hope it helps. He was very frustrated earlier. "Mom, when in my job will I need to know about the Salem Witch Trials? Seriously!" Yup, a bit frustrated. Although I am enjoying re-learning things (yes, I am that geek), I see this calming him a bit. Right now he is filling out a blank map of the 13 colonies -- one that I am not sure I could do myself -- then we're quizzing on keywords in reverse order.

Oh yeah, I've got the tricks up my sleeve. We'll get there.

I just hope I don't toss and turn all night worrying about Pocahontas or Plymouth Rock!

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