Friday, February 10, 2012

Worthy Cause

I'm pretty sure Carter was in pre-school when we had our first fundraiser and there hasn't been much lag time between one and the next ever since. These days they frown upon the door-to-door sales approach, so we are left to guilting our families and co-workers into purchasing something they don't want or need.

Except chocolate. Candy bars always sell out!

At Carter's current school, they are putting some of the onus on the students themselves. For example, if they are raising money for their favorite orphanage in Peru, kids can pay $2 to "dress down" for the day -- that's private school lingo for "non-dress code." Trust me, they raise a lot of easy money that way!

They seek funding for in-house causes, too. At Christmastime, the Student Council sold "candy-grams" to students and it was pretty successful. This month, the Yearbook staff is trying to raise money selling Valentines. Carter -- a staff member -- said that with just 2 school days left before the big holiday, sales are going pretty slowly. So this morning, he taps his pocketful of change and says, "I'm gonna help out."

Oh really? Do you have someone in mind that you're going to "donate" a Valentine to?

"No. Not really."

Liar. I mean really, how stupid does he think we are? Well, he's a teenager so I guess pretty stupid. We should just shut our mouths like good parents and be happy he is supporting a worthy cause, right?

Who knows, some day he may save the world.

Probably for some cute little blonde with dimples... Sigh.


Rayna Delaney said...

What happened to the redhead? :)

Robyn Austin said...

I know! I almost typed redhead by habit but she goes to a different school now :)