Thursday, January 9, 2014

Infirmary Recap

Just a quick update from the infirmary....

The crud has passed from me to hubby to Carter. Officially.

Carter woke up after a rough night of coughing, feeling weak and hurting. So he went straight back to bed for an 8-hour nap. Not kidding!

I went to work and he got up in the mid-afternoon and now is doing some homework, crossing his fingers he'll be fine tomorrow. A friend was going to drop off his homework but since I had a meeting in town and it got done before the Assumption hoops game was done, I stopped in there and picked it up for him.

The girls were playing against rival Wausau Newman. I would have loved to have stayed, but going straight from work to a 90-minute meeting was my longest day since I've been sick, too. So I opted to come home and hit the hay.

At some point sooner rather than later, I sure hope we put this behind us.

Until the next strain of crappy germy-ness hits our house. Gotta love the winter cold and flu season!

Stay healthy!

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