Wednesday, January 8, 2014

On the Rebound

After days in the clutches of the infamous Polar Vortex, we are now on the rebound to our normal winter days of highs in the single digits. Whoo-hoo!

Yes, we are brainwashed in the Midwest to get excited to see in the morning that the temperature is -15 and feels like -15! No windchill. Sort of like that desired "dry heat" in the summer!

Admittedly, it even felt warmer back at the office today. Of course, I kept my coat on all day but at least I didn't need my hat and gloves. We'll take it in baby steps if we have to.

Unfortunately, while I coughed only a handful of times today, hubby's "crud" is still in full swing and it seems Carter's may just be starting. I hope it's just a minor cold, but really, how does one not share germs among family? We tried to avoid each other and it still didn't work.

Perhaps our love is overpowering. Or it could be my need to beat hubby at cards. Take your pick.

I guess we'll continue to keep Carter quarantined in the basement, working on homework, while I try to put it behind me and try to support the guys. At least we should be able to get some fresh air now. Not necessarily open the house up, but step outside and actually be able to take a deep, cleansing breath without losing our breath!

Might kill a few germs. We'll see.

Stay tuned from the Sick Ward. Enjoy the nice warm weather for us all!

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