Saturday, January 18, 2014

S.O.S. (Saturday Over Saturday)

A sign of a good (or bad) weekend can be measured by your first waking moments on Saturday morning.

Last Saturday morning, for example, one of my first sights was cat puke -- not only on the kitchen counter but on my purse sitting there. Beyond disgusting.

This Saturday morning, however, we heard a quiet knock on the front door and by the time we got there, we saw a secret messenger had left a package of pumpkin bars. Beyond delicious and delightful!

Comparing Saturday over Saturday, do you have to guess which one was better??

There actually were a few similarities. I lost to hubby in cards both weekends. And we spent part of our evening in Stevens Point. Beyond that, today was better.

It was sort of my good deed day paired with productivity.

After doing a few Saturday chores (on Saturday for once), I went into town to drop of a few bags of old scrapbooking magazines at a new scrapping store. I figured they could use them for ideas when customers come to crop or spend a weekend retreat there. I just couldn't put them in recycling. They needed to go to a good home. (And now they are OUT of my house, too!)

After a nice visit with the owner and a shop tour, I headed over to the mall to the Bethesda Thrift Shop. I was on a mission to find some decent-quality baskets. I am on the planning committee for our second annual Empty Bowls soup luncheon event to fight hunger in south Wood County. Part of our expansion this year is adding raffle baskets. Since not everything will be donated to us in a nicely wrapped package, we need some baskets to lump themed items together. I managed to score 5 today just as a start and they have plenty more there if we need them. If I buy too many, I'll just donate them back.

Carter was up by the time I got home. (I would hope so since it was after noon.) His excitement this Saturday was learning how to upon the hood of the CRV and add windshield washer fluid. He did fine. Then, for him, it was off to work.

Hubby and I went to Stevens Point to watch our Assumption boys take on Pacelli, who out-heighted us and out-scored us ... especially the 3-pointers. Tough to watch. We lost something like 70-38. Big bummer.

By the end of the game, Carter was already done working so we hustled back to Rapids to pick him up.

Now, with no cat puke in sight but one pumpkin bar left, it's time to hit the hay and hope the good weekend continues.

Sweet, pumpkin-y dreams!

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