Sunday, April 27, 2014

Dictionary of Four-Letter Words

Don't worry. This is only rated R for Robyn, nothing else.

Some recent four-letter words that aren't cursing...

MILK: The first time we asked Lukas if he wanted milk with dinner, he responded: "To drink??" Apparently, adding it to cereal in the morning is fine, but they don't sit around Bavaria gulping glasses of milk like we do in the Dairy State. Other than that, he eats so healthy he gets his calcium elsewhere!

RAIN: I might as well add COLD to this one. Oh, and WIND, too. That describes today and most of the days we've had our special guest. Every day we say, "It is not normally like this!" Yet every day it keeps happening. We were very fortunate to have sun for the mega-photo sessions yesterday. According to the forecast, though, he might not see a 60-degree day before heads home May 8 (but let's not talk about that). Sad face.

PROM: Boys slept in today so I had to run their tuxes into town. It did seem like a Cinderella story. All dressed up one night and back to jeans and running shoes the next. I will miss Carter's dapper black-and-white shoes, though! Sweet.

NIKE: Speaking of shoes... At this point, I think Nike could sponsor Lukas' flight back to Germany. He brought one pair with him, bought one in Chicago and one in Oshkosh. Today, after enjoying a pancake breakfast at my church, I took Lukas, another German guest and Carter down to Wisconsin Dells to the Nike Outlet Store there. Came home with 5 more pairs. One each for brother, mother, grandmother and dad. The 5th pair are mine. After shopping for the first 4 pairs, I figured I better buy some, too! Don't ask how we will fit them all in his suitcase.

BOOK: I believe I have failed to mention recently that my reading world has moved into the 21st century. I am now the proud owner of a Kindle Fire. While I love holding and reading a physical book, this will help me get my hands on books for our new book club. Plus, I got a super sweet deal on this. I'm talking only 25 bucks out of my pocket thanks to my "Amazon points." So now that the rain is falling and the boys are gone to another German-American Partners Party, I am going to turn it on and read our May book – Orphan Train – which is already proving to be interesting historic fiction.

TIME: Won't be a long night of reading, I'll tell you. Since I did NOT sleep in, I can't quite recover from prom like a I used to!

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