Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Blessings

I always feel blessed at Easter when we are reminded of what Jesus did for each and every one of us. I am especially blessed on Easters I can spend time with both of our families and, this year, a new family member. What a wonderful holiday!

Just like the old days, Carter was the first to rise. This year it had nothing to do with being a kid anxious to find his Easter basket. It was all about having to get up early to work! The restaurant where he washes dishes for a living had a special Easter brunch today so he had to work from 9-2.

Meanwhile, Jim got up to take him to work and Lukas and I slept in! He went with me to 11 o'clock church -- the third of three services there today. Got home a little after noon. I had some work to finish up from Friday so Lukas tagged along with Jim to pick up Carter from work.

The Easter Bunny thought it only fair to wait until Carter was home from work before he dropped off baskets for them...

The Bunny provided quite a mixture of "American treats" for Lukas, plus a handy U.S. map for reference when we are talking about other states besides Wisconsin.

Plus, some important Assumption High School gear for him.

Including a sweatshirt, since it may never warm up while he is here!  

I took a picture of Carter while saying, "Don't worry, Carter, the Easter Bunny still loves you!"

The German Easter Bunny also brought some delicious chocolate Easter treats for us. I can't read the label but I am sure it is the German word for "delicious!"

A little after 3 p.m. we headed over to Jim's parents for dinner. Lukas got to meet Jim's much smaller (compared to mine) family -- his parents and his sister and her family.

Here Lukas shares his scrapbook with them so they can "meet" his family and see what he does for fun. They really enjoyed meeting him.

Tonight, the boys are at a campfire with some other German students and their American hosts. They each took some flowers with them to ask their prom dates "officially" to prom. Who says romance is dead?

Probably fitting it has been resurrected on Easter!

1 comment: said...

Be sure to show Lukas where we live in Texas and let him know I REALLY wish we could have met him!! <3