Tuesday, May 13, 2014

A is for Apple; Z is for Zombies?

It felt like a typical Monday today the way I was buried at work and all the computer systems were running slow.

I love technology but we expect it to work FOR us. At Warp Speed. All the time.

And it doesn't.

My computer locked up a few times and I restarted it. The second time I restarted it, I couldn't log in. It no longer recognized me or my password. Of course two thoughts come immediately to mind:

1) Do I still work here?
2) Are aliens taking over my computer?

After calling the "help desk," I was assured the answer to No. 1 was yes. Whew. But No. 2? Who knows? Refresh my memory... Do we prepare for an Alien Invasion the same way we do a Zombie Apocalypse? And are Twinkies needed?

You know where you can find the official answer? The U.S. Government.

Not kidding.

Did you know that on the Center for Disease Control's website the Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response has a plan for Zombies? I kid you not. You can check here or just read below:

Wonder why Zombies, Zombie Apocalypse, and Zombie Preparedness continue to live or walk dead on a CDC web site? 

As it turns out what first began as a tongue in cheek campaign to engage new audiences with preparedness messages has proven to be a very effective platform. We continue to reach and engage a wide variety of audiences on all hazards preparedness via Zombie Preparedness; and as our own director, Dr. Ali Khan, notes, "If you are generally well equipped to deal with a zombie apocalypse you will be prepared for a hurricane, pandemic, earthquake, or terrorist attack." 

So please log on, get a kit, make a plan, and be prepared!

I will point out that I do not troll the Internet for Zombie sites. A friend just pointed this out to me when I was determining whether I needed to buy some Twinkies.

Thank goodness those are back in stores – now with an even longer shelf life. I'm pretty sure they'll outlast my computer at work. And I don't think they'll tempt the taste palates of either aliens OR zombies.

Do you?

I better check with the CDC.

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