Saturday, May 17, 2014

Making Tracks

It was only 33 degrees out when hubby and I rolled out of bed at sunrise. He was driving to Eau Claire for Casey's graduation and would be fine with any temperature. I was driving to the school and hoping the chilly temps wouldn't scare people away from our fundraising 5K.

It didn't.

In fact we had more than a dozen people signing up on site. And the temperatures warmed up to comfortable walking and running weather. It was a beautiful, crisp morning for a walk to honor the memory of Tina Livernash AND make a difference in students' lives through her scholarship fund!

I did not do the actual walk (or run), but ran around helping so my friend and organizer Christine could do it with her (and Tina's) family. Since all my design work was done ahead of time, I helped with registration, photographing the event and distributing post-race goody bags and water.

A few photos...

First year with the option for a timed event. Had 25 runners do that and some 50 walkers.
I don't know these people but thought it was adorable. A family that runs together stays together!
And the finish!
We did it! Nice work, Christine and family!
After the event, I came home, uploaded photos on the Tracks for Tina website, did some design work for a baseball project, then made my way down to the Port Edwards villagewide garage sale.

As God is my witness, I did not stop at any sales. I went straight to our German fundraiser sale and picked up my leftover stuff. It was tempting, though! I guess we sold nearly $700 worth of "great buys" and that all will go toward the trip fund. Another "Yay!" today.

When I got home after 4, the Weather Channel said it was 60 degrees out. It must have been the wind, but I was not feeling the spring warmth. I sat out on Mr. Deck Chair and had to throw a sweatshirt over me when the sun sneaked behind a cloud. But I am not a quitter!

About the time Jim got home from Eau Claire, probably 20 minutes later, it was time for me and now purple toes to head inside. Tomorrow, Mr. Deck Chair, we may get another chance.

Not that Sunday will be a day of rest. But more on that tomorrow.

For now, I have to get my creative juices flowing for another little project... or make some popcorn for supper, get comfy and catch up on Glee.

Me thinks I'll be making tracks for the couch.

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